Our Services


Fast and easy with professional care and diligence. Our irrigation specialists are trained in the operation of a variety of tools and implements to address your irrigation and landscaping needs. We use our pipe plow for damage-free installs on existing areas.


Liquid Underground has the equipment to efficiently prepare your irrigation system for winter. Don’t get caught with water in your lines, or worse, with an amateur applying too much pressure to your system. This can potentially cause more damage and more inconvenience than you bargained for.


Our specialists are skilled in observing shortcomings in your system before they become an issue. During the initial system startup in the Spring, it is important to review your irrigation system and ensure that all the various devices are in good working condition.

Adjustments & Repairs

After your initial spring start-up, you may find that your system may need some minor repairs or adjustments. Leaks, and other water waste, can be reduced and repaired quickly and expertly. We will ensure that your systems are precipitation matched throughout to ensure your irrigation needs are addressed perfectly. 

Our team specializes in repairing broken heads, lines and any other repairs, ensuring your system is up and running efficiently so you can enjoy your home and yard throughout the warm and beautiful summer.

Drip Irrigation

Micro-irrigation or drip irrigation uses emitters to accomplish a minimal usage system that allows for droplets of water to soak through the soil to the roots where it is needed. Arguably one of the best methods available for shrub beds, gardens, and plant containers.  Using a drip irrigation system means an efficient, modular system that can serve small or massive needs equally well. We aim to ensure that our systems are as maintenance-free as possible, but naturally, we can only guarantee so much. We don’t warranty against Bear rampages!

Electric Valves

Connected to your irrigation controller units, these valves govern the flow of fluid through your network. Great value and surprising longevity means you can rely on your system remaining virtually maintenance-free (seasonal checks and system flush are still requirements of a healthy system) for years to come.


Irrigation Controllers are the clocks that control irrigation by a timed schedule. Having a timed controller is a good investment to ensure your lawn and garden areas are efficiently watered.  This saves you time and is stress free knowing your beautiful yard will be well taken care of.  The controller can be scheduled at any specific time of the day or night that suites your lifestyle.  Liquid Underground specialists are experts at programming, maintaining, and instructing on proper use of your irrigation controller. We only use quality controllers and there are many different styles and types to choose from. We will be more than happy to guide you through the best system that works for you.